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Conservation Commission Minutes 09/12/2013
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting November 14, 2013
Selectmen's Office

Members present:  Zack Boyajian, Frank Harrison, Gordon Jones, Dawn Marshall, Blaze Konefal, Robert Mann

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.   

Information session on proposed trails at Carpenter Park south of Bear Hill Rd:   Seven non-members attended the information session.  Frank Harrison and Zack Boyajian presented trail location information, including the old and new snowmobile trails and some other trails created as skid trails for the 2012 logging of this parcel.  The goal of discussing these trails is to decide which trails can be blocked off so that time and money can be concentrated on those which will be maintained long-term.   Bill Lane of the Bee Hole Beavers indicated that they intend to use the upper trail which crosses Bear Hill Rd higher up and that they do not intend to use the lower trail closer to the salt shed.  There appeared to be general agreement by all present that secondary trails can be blocked and restored to a natural state, and that the Carpenter Park trails are an important link to the trail that continues southward toward the School property.  No horse trail enthusiasts were present.  Information session ended about 8:00 pm.

Mail bag:
-  Organization Fair proposed by Chichester Grange.   No date set, but CCC prefers a spring weekday evening.
-  Brainstorming session for the Plan NH Design Charrette will be held 11/21/13 at the library.  Several CCC members will attend.
-  Memo from the Selectmen regarding timely posting of meetings and minutes was discussed.  
-  2014 budget proposals are due 11/18 at Selectmen's office.    CCC slot at Budget Committee meeting is 12/11 at 6:40 pm.   Proposed budget for 2014 of $650 was discussed and approved unanimously.
-  Bill for $245 annual dues from NH Association of Conservation Commissions discussed.   Payment of $245 approved  unanimously.
-  Letter from Steve Walker thanking Blaze for completion of annual LCIP stewardship monitoring.
Other Goals and Projects:
1.      Public outreach.   
2.      Land conservation.  Several parcels and priorities were discussed.  Members will discuss land or easement purchases with the various parties, and this will be on the December agenda.  
3.      Spaulding Town Forest.  Jamison Logging work is nearly complete.  Final accounting is expected soon.  Dan Lamy, adjacent landowner, will be contacted regarding future access to the Spaulding lot via the logging road.   Restoration of the road entrance at Hutchinson Road can be delayed as logging is expected  to continue on the Lamy property.   
4.      Carpenter Park.  Zack is now Parks and Recreation Commission chairman.  11/2 volunteer cleanup work totaled about 80 hrs.  A second LWCF grant application has been accepted, but not yet approved.
5.      Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area.  Phragmites control area was discussed, and efforts for spraying or burning will be considered.   Pines which will be thinned on former Plummer lot have been marked and logging may go ahead in December.   Saw log quantity estimate is about 7,000 bf.  Gordon will coordinate with Charlie Moreno and Tim Riel.
6.      Easement stewardship.  2013 stewardship was acknowledged in Steve Walker letter.

Adjournment at 9:35pm.
Minutes by Robert Mann
